Famous christian songs in tamil
Famous christian songs in tamil

famous christian songs in tamil

He personally influenced hundreds of people to be missionaries in his lifetime. He continued his translation work when he returned to England for medical reasons. He worked as a doctor, evangelist and translator while in China. Hudson Taylor was trained as a physician. This practice made him much more accepted by the people when he preached. He was widely criticized in his home country of England at the time for dressing like a China man in his efforts to blend in while sharing the Gospel. Hudson Taylor spent more than 50 years in China as a missionary and is known for his respect for the Chinese culture. He believed in never asking anyone for support, but trusting God to lay it on the person’s heart to support the need. He was instrumental in promoting the idea of “faith missions.” This is where missionaries are not supported by a denomination but by individuals and churches. In his lifetime his orphanage in England took care of more than 10,000 children. Müller is known as a prayer warrior who started orphanages and preached heavily about the need for missionaries around the world. God has used his life to open doors for the Gospel. Livingstone is considered one of the greatest missionary heroes. He was driven to map the continent of Africa in preparation for the many missionaries who would come after him. Livingstone never stayed long in any one place. Coupled with his love for the Lord and desire to spread the Gospel, Livingstone used his understanding of nature and science to help him map much of southern Africa. He was born in Scotland in 1813, but spent most of his life in Africa as an explorer and doctor. David Livingstone (1813-1873)ĭavid Livingstone was a medical missionary with the London Missionary Society. The Baptist churches of Myanmar celebrate “Judson Day” each year to commemorate his arrival in the country. By the time he died he had established 100 churches with over 8,000 members. It took him 12 years to see his first 18 converts.

famous christian songs in tamil

Because of anti-Western sentiment in India, he moved to Burma.

famous christian songs in tamil

He went to the field of India as a Congregationalist but, after much study of the Bible, became convinced that Baptist doctrine was more biblical. Like other early missionaries, he was involved in translation work and church planting. Judson was a Baptist missionary who became the first North American Protestant missionary in Burma (Myanmar).

Famous christian songs in tamil